Saturday 1 January 2011

Zweitausend elf!

2011 is here! We are marching steadily into a new decade, hopefully one that will bring happy and exciting things in our way. ^^

And I, yesterday during New Years Eve, was very troubled about many things. My future, my wishes, the road I have chosen and many others..
So, I will try something, I didn't last year. A list of goals for the upcoming year. I know that time is running pretty fast and maybe I won't accomplish everything, but at least I can try!
So here it goes!

  1. Apply a schedule to my messy day - one that I will keep -- most of the time!
  2. that means waking up every morning at 8-9 am
  3. study, study hard and finally get rid of all those classes I still have to pass!
  4. defeat my incurable laziness and work out regularly
  5. stop eating sweets and chocolate all the time
  6. learn proper German
  7. visit my homeland, Switzerland
  8. exercise my drawing
  9. read that endless list of books-i-want-to-read
  10. go on holidays this summer
  11. start a business (?)

Yeap, that's 11 goals for 2011. If I manage to accomplish the top 7 of them, I will be very happy I tell you..

So, wherever you are, have a wonderful year full of happiness, health and.. yeah wealth (we live in troubled times so..). Pursue your wishes and dreams, do what you love. Live your life!


  1. The hardest part of life is to know what you really want. Having goals is very important. You can't play chess without plan.

  2. I agree. Only a few people know what they really want in their life, and yes the great goals are the problem!
